A facility HPSA designation, as defined by the Public Health Service Act, is given to FQHCs and RHCs that meet the requirement of providing access to care regardless of ability to pay. FQHC in this definition includes all types of FQHCs: Health Center Program (HCP) awardees, HCP look-alikes, and outpatient health programs/facilities operated by tribal organizations (under the Indian Self-Determination Act) or urban Indian organizations (under the Indian Health Care Improvement Act).
Point HPSAs are only applicable to Alaskan Native and Native American Tribal populations. The Federally Recognized Native American Tribes and Alaskan Natives receive automatic population HPSAs. These HPSAs are represented as a point which is placed at a provider location/ facility within the tribal area. For more information, see https://bhw.hrsa.gov/shortage-designation/hpsas.