Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- FAQ: Are all patients included in the Uniform Data System ZIP Code counts?
- FAQ: Are labels added with Drawing Tools included in the printed or saved version of the map?
- FAQ: Are there any crosswalks between ZCTA and census tracts?
- FAQ: Are there any data for Puerto Rico in the UDS Mapper?
- FAQ: Are there any data for the U.S. affiliated Pacific Islands in the UDS Mapper?
- FAQ: Are there any data for the U.S. Virgin Islands in the UDS Mapper?
- FAQ: Can I add additional information or drawings to the map?
- FAQ: Can I add addresses of patients to Map My Data if I don’t use the patient names?
- FAQ: Can I download a data table for MAP for MAT data?
- FAQ: Can I export data from the Information Cards feature?
- FAQ: Can I export shapefiles?
- FAQ: Can I export the data of the map that I am viewing?
- FAQ: Can I export the map on the screen as an image file?
- FAQ: Can I export the map on the screen to a PDF file?
- FAQ: Can I generate a facility report for MAP for MAT Health Related Facilities?
- FAQ: Can I map more than one dataset at a time using Map My Data?
- FAQ: Can I see more traditional maps in this tool like street maps or satellite maps?
- FAQ: Can I see the data from a particular health center?
- FAQ: Can more than one person from an organization sign up for an account?
- FAQ: Can penetration rates be calculated for special populations such as migrant and seasonal agricultural workers?
- FAQ: Can the data be exported as rasters?
- FAQ: Can the data be exported as vectors?
- FAQ: Can the UDS Mapper distinguish between types of encounters (i.e., medical vs. dental vs. behavioral health)?
- FAQ: Can you differentiate the functionality between UDS Mapper and HealthLandscape?
- FAQ: Can you export the map as an image file so I can use it in a PowerPoint presentation? Is it possible to insert maps into a Word document?
- FAQ: Can you isolate specific health centers and their other locations so they are the only ones that show up on the map?
- FAQ: Can you map by race and ethnicity?
- FAQ: Can you please describe the different levels of access to the UDS Mapper?
- FAQ: Can ZCTAs cross state or county lines?
- FAQ: Do we have to register for a new account to access UDS Mapper separate from HealthLandscape?